“Success is the journey rather than destination”

K.L.E. Society’s Gurusiddappa Kotambri Law College, Hubballi
The Staff and Students of the Legal Aid Centre visit schools, colleges and rural areas in and around Hubli and Dharwad and conduct legal literacy awareness programs for students and public.
09-11-2023 | On the eve of National Legal Service Day Legal Awareness Programme was organized at H.F. Kattimani Kannada High School, Vidyanagar, Hubballi. Goudappagouda and Shilpa Patil – Para Legal Volunteers addressed the students on the topic ‘Significance of the Fundamental Duties’. |
05-12-2023 | Orientation Programme on Legal Profession on Career opportunities |
13-12-2023 | Orientation Programme on Legal Aid |
21-12-2023 | Legal Survey was conducted at Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, Old Hubli by law Students. |
16-01-2024 | Legal Aid Programme on Motor Vehicles Act & Public Interest Litigation at Govt First Aid degree college, Bankapur |
20.01.2024 | Legal aid and awareness programme for SC/ST community. Legal aid and awareness programme was organized for the SC/ST community members of Bhuvaneshwari nagar, Hubballi in association with District Legal Services Authority, Dharwad and KSLU, Hubballi. Member Secretary of DLSA Shri Parshuram Doddamani, Senior Civil Judge, Dharwad gave an inaugural address wherein he addressed the participants on importance of legal aid, need for proper shelter and how legal help can be availed free of cost from District and Taluka legal services authority. Dr. Rangaswami, Asst. Professor KSLU Chief Guest, spoke on the importance of social, economic and political justice enshrined in the Indian Constitution. Dr. Bhimabhai, Asst. Professor and Nodal officer of legal aid department from KSLU spoke on women empowerment and wrongs that still exist in our society in the form of female foeticide. Medical check-up camp was conducted in Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, 70 inhabitants of the area took benefit of the check-up conducted by the doctors of Ayurvedic Mahavidalaya, Heggeri. Our law college students through a skit spread a legal message on prevention of atrocities and government scheme and policies which are available to the downtrodden society. Medical check-up camp was conducted in Bhuvaneshwari nagar. 70 inhabitants of the area took benefit of the check-up conducted by the doctors of Ayurvedic Mahavidalaya, Heggeri. |
23-01-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organised at Good News Arts and Commerce First Grade College, Kalaghatagi. Para Legal Volunteers Mr. Uday Tegoor, Mr. Shivaraj Harijan and Mr. Sagar Chintamani spoke on legal aspects covering areas of Motor Vehicle Act 1988 Around 100 students and faculty members of the College participated in the event. |
24-01-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Shri. Rambapuri Pre-University College, Shiggaon |
24.01.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Right to Equality was organised at SRJV Arts and Commerce Degree College, Shiggaon. Para Legal Volunteers – Ms. Suprita, Ms. Nivedita and Ms. Vinuta addressed the gathering and highlighted upon the significance of right to equality. Around 25 students and faculty members of the College participated in the event. |
01-02-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organised on Protection of Children against Sexual Offences at New English and Kannada Girls High School, Hubballi. Para Legal Volunteers – Ms. Chaitra Bhat, Ms. Rithika Niranjan and Mr. Akbar Hussain addressed the gathering and spoke about Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act, 2012. Around 40 students and faculty members participated in the event. |
02-02-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Karnataka Public School, Gopanakoppa, Hubballi was organized on the topic Cyber Crimes and Security Concerns . Vaishnavi Jadi, Gayatri Kammar, Rohan Shettar were the resource persons. |
05-02-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Government First Grade College, Kushtagi was organized on the topic Importance of Legal Education, Fundamental Rights and Duties. Sufiya Hanajagi, Sangeeta K Siddarammaya were the resource persons. |
16-02-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Government Higher Primary School, Hosur, Hubballi.was organized on Prevention of Child Marraige and Child Labour. Sahana Hallikeri, Shruti Uppar Ujwala D. were the resource persons. |
20-02-2024 | Legal Aid and Awareness Programme was organised at Government Polytechnic College, Hubballi on the topic Significance of Legal Education. Para Legal Volunteers – Ms. Lakshmi Yelamali, Ms. Aishwarya, Ms. Tejaswini and Ms. Jayalakshmi M. addressed the gathering and created awareness about significance of legal education. Around 75 students and faculty members participated in the event. |
22-02-2024 | Legal Aid and Awareness Programme was organised at Government Higher Primary School, Chitradurga on the topic Cyber Crimes and Law. Para Legal Volunteers – Ms. Goutami Dandagi, Ms. N. Divya and Mr. Sandesh Kadam addressed the gathering and spoke on Cyber Crime and relevant laws. 60 students and faculty members participated in the event. |
23-02-2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organised at H.P.S. Government School, Unkal, Hubballi. Para Legal Volunteers – Mr. Arun Kumar, Mr. Shivakumar and Mr. Santosh Goudar addressed the gathering and spoke on Constitutional provisions relating to Fundamental Duties and Fundamental Rights. 50 students and faculty members participated in the event. |
22.04.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at KLE Technological University – SMSR, Hubballi. Mr. Manjunath H.M., Mr. Karteek H.M. and Mr. Rimoda R. Hosamani addressed the gathering on the area of “Labour Codes”. |
06.05.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at KLE Society’s College of Commerce, Vidyanagar, Hubballi. Mr. Manjunath H.M., Mr. Karteek H.M. and Mr. Rimoda R. Hosamani addressed the gathering on on Right to Vote. |
08.06.2024 | Legal awareness program on the Environmental Law and “Children’s Rights” was organized at Bengeri Government School, Hubballi. Students from 2nd year were present to educate the Staff and students on the Constitutional and legal aspects of Children’s rights. Raju Karnool, Shivu Hiregoudar, Ravi, Pallavi R. Doddamani were the resource persons imparting the awareness program. |
08.06.2024 | Legal awareness program on the “Right to Health” was organised at Gantikeri Government School, Hubballi Constitutional and legal aspects of Rights on Health were discussed. Raju Karnool, Shivu Hiregoudar, Ravi, Pallavi R. Doddamani were the resource persons imparting the awareness program. |
10.06.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at Government Model Primary School, Gummagol, Navalagund. Mr. Narasappa Umadi, Mr. K. Rajesh and Mr. Amarayya addressed the gathering on the areas of Fundamental Rights and Duties. |
11.06.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at SMNP Channabasava Degree College, Garag. Miss. Ruksana Nadaf, Miss. Kaveri and Miss. Lakshmi Gali addressed the gathering on the areas of Cyber Crimes and Fundamental Rights under Indian Constitution. |
25.06.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at G.L.P.S. Gould Colony, Attiveri, Mundagod. Mr. Jayaprakash Sunagar, Mr. Anilkumar Bisanalli, Mr. Ravi Lamani and Mr. Suneel Kolur addressed the gathering on the areas of Human Rights and Right to Education. |
26.06.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at APMC, Navanagar, Traffic Police Station, Hubballi. Mr. Sanganagoud Biradar and the Para-legal volunteers team addressed the gathering on Crop Insurance at Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC), Hubballi. |
12.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Right to Education, Life Insurance, General Insurance Women and Child Rights at S.R.V. Patil Government High School, Kamadolli. |
12.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized at Shri Guru Sarkari Primary School, Kamdolli. Mr Mantappa Dyapur – Para legal volunteer addressed the students about the significance of Right to Education. |
15.07.2024 | Legal awareness program on “Right to Education” was organized at Karnataka Public Primary School, Gopanakoppa, Hubballi. Yashwanthgowda H.S., Channabasaiah, Devappa, Akhilesh Nalawadi, Amar K., Giridhar R., Gururaj Angadi, Santosh, Hanumesh N. were the students imparting the awareness program. |
16.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Fundamental Duties at Government Primary School, Nekara Colony, Vidyanagar, Hubballi. |
17.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Crop Insurance to the farmers of Sulla Village, Hubballi |
18.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Right to Education, POCSO & Child Labourat Government High School, Badaga Yekkaru, Mangalore, Anil Lamani and team addressed the students |
31.07.2024 | Legal Awareness Programme organised. Mr. Rajashekhar Hiremath. and team- Para legal volunteers addressed the un-organised labour on Social Securities Laws for Unorganised Labour Sector at Rajeev Nagar, Sadashiv Layout, Hubballi |
08.08.2024 | Legal Awareness competition was organized. Eight teams were qualified for the final round. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri – Principal, Mr. Manjunath Shirur – Advocate and Mrs. Preeti J. Kasturi – Asst. Professor, were the judges. Best 3 teams were selected for the prizes. The first prize of Rs. 2000/- was shared by two teams – Mr. Ravi Lamani, Mr. Jayaprakash Sunagar, Mr. Anil Bisanalli and Mr. Suneel Kolur; Mr. Manjunath H.M., Mr. Karteek H.M., Mr. Rimoda Hosamani and Mr. Bharath G. The second prize of Rs. 1000/- was awarded to Miss N. Divya, Miss. Goutami Dandagi and Mr. Sandesh Kadam. The third prize of Rs. 500/- was awarded to Mr. Mantappa Dyapur. |
9th November 2023 | Legal Awareness Programme at H.F. Kattimani Kannada High School, Hubballi on ‘Significance of the Fundamental Duties’ by Para Legal Volunteers. |
5th December 2023 | Orientation Programme on Legal Profession and Career Opportunities. |
13th December 2023 | Orientation Programme on Legal Aid. |
21st December 2023 | Legal Survey at Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, Old Hubli by law students. |
16th January 2024 | Legal Aid Programme on Motor Vehicles Act & Public Interest Litigation at Govt First Aid Degree College, Bankapur. |
20th January 2024 | Legal Aid and Awareness Programme for SC/ST community at Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, Hubballi in association with DLSA, Dharwad and KSLU, Hubballi. |
23rd January 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Good News Arts and Commerce First Grade College, Kalaghatagi. |
24th January 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Shri. Rambapuri Pre-University College, Shiggaon. |
1st February 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Protection of Children against Sexual Offences at New English and Kannada Girls High School, Hubballi. |
5th February 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Government First Grade College, Kushtagi on the Importance of Legal Education, Fundamental Rights, and Duties. |
16th February 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Government Higher Primary School, Hosur, Hubballi on Prevention of Child Marriage and Child Labour. |
20th February 2024 | Legal Aid and Awareness Programme at Government Polytechnic College, Hubballi on the Significance of Legal Education. |
22nd February 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at Government Higher Primary School, Chitradurga on Cyber Crimes and Law. |
23rd February 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at H.P.S. Government School, Unkal, Hubballi on Fundamental Duties and Rights. |
22nd April 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at KLE Technological University – SMSR, Hubballi on Labour Codes. |
5th June 2024 | Environmental Day Celebration with awareness on reducing plastic usage. |
21st June 2024 | International Yoga Day Celebration. |
22nd May – 28th May 2024 | Seven Days NSS Special Camp at Nanda Gokula Village, Hubballi Taluka, focusing on social awareness, legal education, cleanliness drives, and health checkups. |
25th June 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at G.L.P.S. Gould Colony, Attiveri, Mundagod on Human Rights and Right to Education. |
26th June 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme at APMC, Navanagar, Traffic Police Station, Hubballi on Crop Insurance. |
12th July 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Right to Education, Life Insurance, General Insurance, Women and Child Rights at S.R.V. Patil Government High School, Kamadolli. |
31st July 2024 | Legal Awareness Programme on Social Securities Laws for Unorganised Labour Sector at Rajeev Nagar, Sadashiv Layout, Hubballi. |
8th August 2024 | Legal Awareness Competition was organized. Best teams were awarded prizes. |

K.L.E. Society’s Gurusiddappa Kotambri Law College, Hubballi
NSS Activities
2014-15 to 2023-24
13.12.2023 | Orientation Programme on NSS was organised in the College. Dr. Rajendra Hittanagi, Assistant Professor, Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi was the resource person. He stressed upon the main objective of NSS which is to understand their role towards the Community. He motivated the students to identify the needs and problems of the Community and involve themselves in problem solving, develop amongst themselves a sense of social and civil responsibility. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal, Dr. Bahubali B. Kurkuri, NSS Coordinator were present. 105 students participated and benefited by the programme. | |
28.10.2023 | Maharshi Valmiki Jayanti was celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the famous sage Maharshi Valmiki, who wrote the holy book of Hindu religion, Ramayana. | |
01.11.2023 | Karnataka Rajyotsava Celebration was held. The day marks the merger of Kannada speaking regions of South western India and is celebrated to honour the formation of State in the year 1956. | |
15.11.2023 | 108th Foundation Day was celebrated. The day marks the Foundation of K.L.E. Society in the year 1916. The donors, founder members and Saptarishis were remembered on the occasion | |
26.11.2023 | Constitution Day was celebrated. On this occasion essay writing competition on the topic Reservation for Economically Weaker Section of the Society was organized | |
30.11.2023 | Kanakadas Jayanthi Celebration was held. The programme began by singing Kanakadas Kirtan. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri – Principal addressed the gathering highlighting the works of Kanakadas and his role in social reforms. | |
02.12.2023 | Constitution Day Celebration in association with Adhivakta Parisad, Karnataka (North) was organised. Hon’ble Mr. Justice V. Srishananda, Judge, High Court of Karnataka, Bengaluru inaugurated the function. | |
11.12.2023 | Human Rights Day was celebrated in the College. Smt. Kavita Belagali, Assistant Professor delivered a special talk on Human Rights of Laborers. | |
30.12.2023 | National Consumer Day, 2023 was celebrated. Shri. D.Y. Basapur, President, District Consumer Commission, Bagalkot was the Chief Guest. | |
25.01.2024 | Voter Awareness Day was observed and Essay Competition on the topic ‘Electoral Reforms – Need of the hour’ was organized under the banner of NSS Unit in association with SVEEP and Electoral Literacy Club. Dr. Veena Tonapi, Retired Principal, JSS Sakri Law College, Hubballi was the Resource Person. | |
26.01.2024 | 75th Republic Day was celebrated. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal hoisted the National Flag and addressed the gathering. | |
29.02.2024 | National Science Day was celebrated by the NSS Unit of the College in association with Chintana Vedike, Hubballi. Dr. Ramesh Babu, Rtd. Professor of Medicine, Fr. Muller College, Mangaluru was the Chief Guest. Dr. Devaraj Raichur, Alumni of the College was the Resource Person. | |
05.04.2024 | Babu Jagajivan Ram Jayanti was celebrated | |
14.04.2024 | Ambedkar Jayanti was celebrated to honour his contribution and service to the country. All faculty members were present on thisoccasion. | |
22.04.2024 | Earth Day was observed by sapling the plants. | |
30.05.2024 | A special lecture on endocrinological issues was organized to female students and staff as a part of health day celebration. Dr. Soumya Inamdar oriented female students and staff on endocrinological issues. | |
31.05.2024 | World Tobacco Prohibition Day was organized. Mr. Venkatesh G. Ekbote, Assistant Professor, the Resource Person explained about the reasons of celebration and the importance of the celebration that aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and second hand smoke exposure and to discourage tobacco use in any form. | |
01.06.2024 | No Tobacco day was observed. The chief Guest Dr. Veena Tonapi, former principal of JSS Sakri Law College urged the youth of the country to quit smoking and chewing tobacco and advised to choose better health than tobacco. | |
05.06.2024 | Environmental Day was celebrated to raise awareness and encourage action for the protection of our planet.Oath taking ceremony was held to minimise the use of plastic. Plantation programme was organised on the event in the campus. Smt. Kavita Belagali, Asst. Professor delivered a special lecture on how to conserve the environment with an object to create an awareness in protecting the environment. Mr. Shridhar Hugar II year LL.B, Mr. Manjunath H M II year LL.B ,Mr. Kumar II year LL.B expressed their views on various ways in protecting the environment. | |
15.06.2024 | World Child Labour Prohibition Day was organized. Miss. Preeti Kasturi, Assistant Professor, was the Resource Person on the Topic. She explained the legal provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 which prohibits the children under 14 from working in any occupation or process and adolescents between 14 and 18 from working in hazardous occupation or processes. | |
21.06.2024 | International Yoga Day was celebrated. Smt. Swapna Somyaji Faculty was the resource person and suggested the youth to follow yoga for better health and mind. | |
24.06.2024 | Nadaprabhu Kempegouda Jayanthi was celebrated and Essay Competition on the Topic “Nadaprabhu Kempegouda” was conducted on Laws Prevailed and Judicial System, Political and Execution of Policies, Administration, Achievements and any other aspects prevailed during Nadaprabhu Kempegouda era. Essay was conducted in both English and Kannada Medium | |
01.08.2024 | 77th Birthday of Dr. Prabhakar Kore Chairman of KLE Society was celebrated by sapling the plants in the campus. | |
25.01.2024 | ELECTORAL LITRACY CLUB AVTIVITIES Essay Competition on the topic ‘Electoral Reforms – Need of the hour’ was organized under the banner of NSS Unit in association with SVEEP and Electoral Literacy Club. 12 students participated. | |
25.01.2024 | Voter Awareness Day was observed. Dr. Veena Tonapi, Retired Principal, JSS Sakri Law College, Hubballi was the Resource Person. | |
06.05.2024 | Voters Awareness Programme under the banner of ELC was organized at KLE College of Commerce, Hubballi | |
8.01.2024 | De-addiction awareness programme under the banner of Red Cross Unit of the College was organized. Smt. Nivedita Shrinath – Academician and Founder of WOW Institute was the Resource Person. | |
17.01.2024 | Health Awareness Programme under Red Cross Unit was organized. Dr. Divya T., MBBS, D.O., DNB, from M.M. Joshi Eye Institute, Hubballi addressed the gathering. | |
17.01.2024 | Free Eye Check up Camp was organized. Doctors with their Interns from M. M. Joshi Eye Institute, Hubballi were deputed to the College.Preliminary Eye check-up was conducted. | |
29.06.2024 | Blood Test drive under the banner of Red Cross in association with Eris Life Sciences Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad was organized | |
29.06.2024 | Special lecture on Mental Health Awareness was conducted. Dr. Anant Pandurangi, Psychiatrist, Dharwad was the resource person. | |
18.06.2024 | Dengue Awareness Programme was conducted under the banner of Red Cross. Shri Shivakumar Beerannavar, Agricultural Officer, Dept of Agriculture Dharwad was the resource person. | |
21.06.2024 | International Yoga Day was celebrated | |
28.06.2024 | Cleanliness programme at Unkal Lake (Walking Track) was organized as a part of NSS Regular Activity. | |
22.05.2024 to 28.05.2024 | NSS SPECIALCAMP:2023-24 Seven Days NSS Annual Special Camp of the K.L.E. Society’s G.K. Law College was organized at Nanda Gokula Village, Hubballi Taluka. NSS Special Camp Inauguration was held on 22nd May, 2024 at Nanda Gokula Village, Hubballi Taluka. Shri. K.S. Koujalagi, Retired Professor, KLE Society’s S.K. Arts and HSK Science Institute, Vidyaagar, Hubballi inaugurated the function. In the inaugural speech he addressed the gathering and gave a call to bring about social changes in the rural area. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal presided over the programme. Around 50 NSS Volunteers participated in the NSS Special Camp. During the special camp, the volunteers visited the houses of Nandagokula Village and briefed them about the significance of law. On 23rd May, 2024 the NSS Volunteers conducted survey in the village relating to birth and death registration, marriage registration, pension facilities to the aged person, widows, handicapped person etc. The volunteers visited more than 150 houses and collected various data. The Legal Aid Cell of the College in association with NSS Unit is providing awareness and taking the matters to appropriate authorities for the necessary action. After the survey, a formal function was organized. Ms. Megha Iraddi, Asst. Professor delivered the special lecture on the significance of Birth and Death Registration and Women Empowerment. Smt. Kavita Belagali, Asst Professor of our College presided over the function. On 24th May, 2024 Cleanliness and Environment Protection Awareness Programme was organized. Smt. Preeti Kasturi, Asst. Professor of our college delivered special lecture on the importance of environment protection, utilising natural resources etc. Dr. S.M. Hullur, Asst. Professor in his presidential remarks addressed the gathering and stressed on the need to preserve the resources. On 25th May, 2024 the College in association with Taluka Legal Services Authority, Hubballi organized Legal Awareness programme. Also ‘Earth Day’ was celebrated in the presence of Nandagokula farmers. Hon’ble Shri. Nagesh Naik, Principal Senior Civil Judge, Hubballi was the Chief Guest. In his address he highlighted the importance of acquiring knowledge relating to basic laws like Motor Vehicles Act, Right to Information Act, Child Labour Act, Land Laws etc. Shri. S.S. Patil, Senior Advocate, Hubballi delivered a special lecture and created awareness among the people. Dr. S.M. Hullur, Asst. Professor presided over the programme. On 26th May, 2024, Cleanliness Drive was organized in schools and temple premises at Nandagokula Village. The importance of clean surrounding was reflected in this manner. In the evening a formal function was conducted. Shri. Venkatesh Ekbote delivered a special lecture on the event and motivated the people to strive to attain a healthy environment. Shri. Satish Nashipudi, Librarian of our College presided over the function. On 27th May, 2024, Free Health Checkup Camp was organized in association with Dr. Kembhavi’s Ayurveda and Yoga Centre, Hubballi. Around 150 villages took the benefit of the health check up services and also received free medicine kit. In the formal function organized on the same evening, Dr. Anita Kadagad Kembavi, famous Ayurveda physician was the Chief Guest. She addressed the gathering on the importance of health care in the light of Ayurvedic treatment. Smt. Swapna Somayaji, Asst. Professor of our College delivered a special lecture on right to health. She briefed about the various facilities provided by the government and stressed the people to take benefit of the same. The closing ceremony was held on 28th May, 2024. Dr. (Smt.) J. C. Kundagolmath, Asst. Professor, KLE College of Education, Vidyanagar, Hubballi was the Chief Guest. In her address she appreciated the efforts of NSS Volunteers and highlighted the importance of youth contribution towards the complete development of the society. She also stated that students should inculcate the qualities of affection, hardwork, integrity and selfless service. Dr. Sharada G. Patil, Asst. Professor of our College presided over the function. In her presidential remarks she motivated the villages to come forward and utilize the benefits provided by the government and thus endeavour for the overall development of their village. The programme commenced with an invocation song by Kumari. Rohini Narenda and Group. Kumar Shreedhar Hugar introduced the guests. Kumar Basavaraj Dhage presented the report of the NSS Special Camp. Dr. Bahubali Kurkuri, NSS Programme Officer proposed the vote of thanks and Kumar Kumar Myageri compeered the programme. All the NSS volunteers, villagers of Nandagokula village were present on the occasion.50 NSS volunteers were participated under the guidance of Dr. Bahubali Kurkuri, NSS Programme Officer. | |
15-08-2023 | 75th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2023. Apart from these cleanliness activities were conducted every week in and around the college campus. | |
12-08-2023 | On the occasion of Anti-Ragging Day slogan writing and poster making competition on the theme Ragging Free Campus was conducted for all law students and essay writing competition on the theme Curbing the Menace of Ragging was organized on 12th August 2023. | |
01-08-2023 | De-addiction Day was celebrated on 1st August 2023. Dr. S.M.Hullur was the resource person and administered De addiction pledge to students. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal and Dr. Bahubali B. Kurkuri NSS Coordinator and Physical Education Director were present on the occasion. | |
21-06-2023 | International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2023. Smt. Swapna Somyagi Faculty was the resource person and suggested the youth to follow yoga for better health and mind. | |
05-06-2023 | Environmental Day was celebrated on June 5th 2023 to raise awareness and encourage action for the protection of our planet. Shri Harshavardhan V. Shilavantar, Environmental Activist in his address focussed on solutions to plastic pollution and Sustainable Development. Oath taking ceremony was held to minimise the use of plastic. Plantation programme was organised on the event in the campus. | |
26-01-2023 | 71st Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2023. Dr Sharada G. Patil Principal addressed the students and highlighted importance of democracy to achieve the goals of the Constitution. | |
14-04-2023 | Ambedkar Jayanti was celebrated on 14th April 2023 to honour his contribution and service to the country. All faculty members were present on the occasion. | |
01-06-2023 | No Tobacco Day was observed on 1st June 2023. The chief Guest Dr. Veena Tonapi , former principal of JSS Sakri Law College urged the youth of the country to quit smoking and chewing tobacco and advised to choose better health than tobacco. | |
14-01-2023 | 50 Students participated in Yogathan 2022 Programme at Railway Ground Hubballi on 14th January 2023. | |
12-01-2023 | National Youth Day ( Yuva Diwas ) was celebrated on 12th January 2023 to commemorate Swami Vivekananda’s birthday. National Youth Day is about reminiscing the works of Vivekananda and applying his philosophies into our own lives. Vivekananda’s life and mission were an example to all, and his ideas are spread and discussed on National Youth Day. This day is about celebrating the youth of the country, and encouraging them to take up on Vivekananda’s ideas and philosophies. | |
01-02-2023 | Voters Awareness Programme was conducted on 1st February 2023. Students from KSLU Hubballi in association with our law college NSS Volunteers performed street drama and kits to bring awareness about the importance of Right to Vote. | |
10-12-2022 | Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10th December 2022 and elocution competition was organized for law students on the topic Elections and Human Rights. | |
26-11-2022 | Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2022. On this occasion essay writing competition on the topic Reservation for Economically Weaker Section of the Society was organized | |
11-11-2022 | Kanakadas Jayathi was celebrated on Friday, 11th November 2022 and all staff and students participated in the programme. | |
NSS SPECIAL CAMP Seven days NSS special camp was conducted from 3rd August 2023 to 9th August 2023 at adopted Kamdhenu Village, Kalghatgi Taluk. During the camp socio- legel survey, cleanliness drive, legal awareness programmes, health awareness programmes and health check-up camps were organized. 50 NSS volunteers were participated under the able guidance of Dr. Bahubali Kurkuri, NSS Programme Officer. |
03-08-2023 | NSS Special Camp Inauguration was held at Kamadhenu Village, Dr. Lingaraj C. Mullalli, Principal, KLES`s College of Education, Hubballi while inaugurating the camp advised the volunteers and rural area people about importance of cleanliness, development of the rural area through active participation of the people and administrated the NSS oath to the volunteers. Smt. Kasturemma Harijan, President Gram Panchayat, Mishrikoti was Chief Guest and Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal of the college presided over the function. | |
04-08-2023 | In association with Ayurvedic Medical College, Hubballi “Health Checkup Camp” was conducted. Dr. Laxmi Patil, Professor, Ayurvedic Medical College, Hubballi and Dr. Mamataj Begum Walikar, Asst.Prof. Ayurvedic Medical College, Hubballi were the Guests. Smt. Kavita Belagali, Asst. Prof. was presided. 200 Villagers benefited. | |
05-08-2023 | NSS volunteers visited the houses of Kamadhenu Village and conducted legal survey about the importance of registration of Births & Deaths, Importance of e-adhar, Importance of Driving License, Insurance Policy and various other welfare policies of the Govt. In this programme Shri. M. B. Shettennavar, Rtd. Health Officer and Shri B. S. Patil, press reporter were guests. | |
06-08-2023 | Shramadan was held at Kamadhenu Village. Latter on in an awareness programme Shri. Manjunath Hulgur and Shri. Ulavappa Olekar Members, Misrhikoti Gram Panchayat, were the Chief Guests. Smt. Preeti J. Kastur, Asst. Prof. presided over the function. | |
07-08-2023 | Awareness about Horticulture and Forest was organized. Shri. Sharada Deshpande Agriculture Scientist was the chief Guests and explained about the importance of Savayav Krushi. Dr. Sharada G. Patil, Asst. Prof., G. K. Law College, Hubballi presided over the function. | |
08-08-2023 | Legal Aid Camp was organized. Shri. Mohammadali Yadi and Shri Ali Ladhkan, Advocates, High Court of Karnataka were the Chief Guests. During the camp the resource persons highlighted the provisions of Motor Vehicle Act and Prevention of Child Marriage Act. Dr. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri, Principal, G. K. Law College, Hubballi presided the programme. | |
09-08-2023 | The closing ceremony was conducted on 09th August 2023. The Chief Guest for valedictory function of NSS Annual Special Camp Prof. K. S. Koujalagi, Rtd. Professor of KLE Society`s S.K. Arts College, Hubballi explained the Aims and objectives of NSS Special Camp, he highlighted about the importance of Youth contribution towards the complete development of the Nation. On the same day Health Check Up camp was organized with the assistance of Sanivini Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Hubballi. Dr. Sanjiv M. Hullur, Faculty of the college presided over the function. | |
2021-22 | ||
12-08-2022 to 18-08-2022 | NSS SPECIAL CAMP : Seven days NSS special camp was conducted from 12th August to 18th August 2022 at adopted Mantur Village, Hubli Taluk. During the camp socio- legel survey, cleanliness drive, legal awareness programmes, awareness programmes on the occasion of 75th independence of India, health check-up camps were organized. 50 NSS volunterrs were participated under the able guidance of Dr. Bahubali Kurkuri, NSS Programme Officer. | |
Apart from these cleanliness activities were conducted every week in and around the college campus. | ||
21-06-2021 | International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2021. Smt. Nayana Desai, Instructor, Dhanyosmi Yoga Institute was the resource person | |
14-04-2022 | Ambedkar Jayanti was celebrated on 14th April 2022 | |
8-03-2022 | On the eve of International Women’s Day Self Defense Training Programme was organized on 8th March 2022. Shri. Pulkesh Mallyal, KAI certified National Karate Coach was the resource person. | |
04-02-2022 | One Day Health Awareness Programme for Positive Health was organized in association with KLE Society`s College of Education, Hubballi on 4th February 2022. Prof. (Dr.) Rathnamala M. Desai, Principal, SDM College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad was resource person. | |
26-01-2022 | 71st Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2022. | |
December 2022 | In the month of December 2022 Yoga training programme and Meditation Programmes were conducted every saturday. Dr. Anita Kembhavi and Shri. Vijay Gudi, Yoga Trainer Dhanyosmi Yoga Kendra, were the resource persons. | |
10-12-2022 | Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10th December 2022 in association with K.L.E.S`s B.Ed. College, Hubballi. NSS volunteers performed skits relating to various issues of Human Rights. Dr. L. C. Mullalli, Principal, K.L.E.S`s College of Education, Hubballi was the chief guest, Dr. Sharada G. Patil, Principal presided over the function and Prof. Vinita Kulkarni gave special lecture on the occasion. | |
26-11-2022 | Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2022. Quiz Competition was organized for 1st year LL.B. Students. Skits were performed by students. | |
22-11-2021 | Kanakadas Jayathi was celebrated on 22nd November 2021 and all staff and students participated in the programme. | |
15-08-2021 | 75th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2021. | |
2020-21 | ||
30-09-2021 | NSS Day was celebrated on 30th September 2021 through virtual mode. Dr. Jayashree M. Nagaralli, Associate Professor, Smt. A.A. Patil College of Arts & Commerce for Women, Chikodi was the resource person. | |
2-10-2021 | Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahaddur Shastri Jayanti was celebrated on 2nd October 2021. | |
31-10-2021 | Maharshi Walmiki Jayanti was celebrated on 31st October 2021. | |
1-11-2020 | Celebrated Kannada Rajyotsava at our college on 1st November 2020. All staff and students participated in the programme. | |
26-11-2020 | Online Quiz competition on Constitutional Law was conducted on 26th November 2020. | |
3-12-2020 | Kanakadas Jayathi was celebrated on 3rd December 2020 and all staff and students participated in the programme. | |
26-1-2021 | 70th Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2021. | |
28-3-2021 | On the eve of International Women`s Day special talk on “Career opportunities in Government sector” was held. Smt. Sadhana A. Pote, Deputy Director, Commissionerate of Industrial Training & Employment, Bengaluru was the resource person. | |
10-3-2021 | Health Awareness programme on “Importance of Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening an early detection and Prevention for ladies staff and female students was organized on 10th March 2021. Dr. Rama Desai, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Hubballi was resource person and Spoke on “Prevention & Detection of Cervical & Breast Cancer” and Dr. Rupa Ingalahalli, Principal, JSS Sakri Law College, Hubballi was the guest. | |
14-4-2021 | Ambedkar Jayanti was celebrated on 14th April 2021. | |
21-6-2021 | Yoga Day celebration was conducted on 21st June 2021. Dr. Shridhar Gokhale, Vice-Principal Yenepoya Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Mangaluru spoke on “Healthy Habits for happiness and wellness” and Shri. Ramanagouda Patil, Yoga instructor and Vietnam spoke on the topic “Basics and Importance of Yoga”. | |
Online Covid-19 Awareness Quiz Competition was organized for all the students. | ||
4-12-2021 & 20-8-2021 | Free Covid-19 vaccination drive was organized on 4th December 2021 and 20th August 2021. | |
15-8-2021 | 75th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2021. | |
Apart from these cleanliness and legal awareness programmes were conducted every week in and around the college campus. | ||
2019-20 | ||
ONLINE YOGA TRAINING PROGRAMME Online Yoga Training Programme for all staff and students of the college was organized from 2nd May 2020 to 2nd June 2020 on every Sunday under the guidance of Mr B. B. Kurkure Physical Education Director, and Smt Swapna Somayaji, Lecturer and Yoga Trainer. |
20-08-2020 | Sadbhavana Diwas was organized on 20th August 2020. | |
15-08-2020 | Virtual Campus Yuva Programme for Civic Awareness on Essential Citizenship Values and Life Skills for youth in association with CMCA was organized on 15th august 2020. Smt.Geeta Salimath, Facilitator and M/s Anila Elizabath, Co-facilitator, were the resource persons. M/s Sunitha B.H. Asst.Prof. Coordinated the event. | |
15-08-2020 | 74th Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2020. | |
16-05-2020 | Online Health Awareness Programme was conducted on 16th May 2020 by NSS Unit and Dr Devaraj Raichur was the resource person. | |
12-05-2020 | Online Covid -19 Awareness Quiz Competition was organized for all the students and NSS volunteers on 12th May 2020. | |
08-03-2020 | On the eve of International Women`s Day Special Lecture on “Women empowerment” was organized on 8th March 2020. Smt. Sujata Patil, Associate Professor, KLES J.G. Commerce College, Hubballi was resource person. | |
22-02-2020 | Inauguration of Yoga University of America Study Circle was conducted at our college on 22nd February 2020. | |
26-01-2020 | 70th Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2020. | |
07-12-2019 | NSS Volunteers participated in Anti liquor Campaign organized by Anti Liquor Initiative Group Hubballi. | |
26-11-2019 | Constitution Day was celebrated, Dr. Sharada G. Patil, Principal Spoke on this occasion. | |
15-11-2019 | Kanakadas Jayanti was celebrated. | |
01-11-2019 | 64rd Kannada Rajyotsav was celebrated. | |
02-10-2019 | Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahaddur Shashtri Jayanti were celebrated and Shramadana was conducted in the campus of KIMS on the eve of plastic free movement. | |
24-10-2019 | Maharshi Walmiki Jayanti was celebrated. | |
24-09-2019 | NSS Day celebration & NSS activities of our college has been inaugurated. Dr. Lingaraj Mullalli, Asst. Prof. KLEs B.Ed. College, Hubballi, was the chief guest | |
15-08-2019 | 73rd Independence Day was celebrated. | |
Apart from these cleanliness and legal awareness programmes were conducted every week in and around the college campus. NSS Special Camp was organized at Bandiwad Village, Taluka Hubballi from 3rd March to 9th March 2020. Inaugural programme was held at Bhandiwad Village,.on 3rd March 2020. Smt. Basavva Bassapur, President, Gram Panchayat Bhandiwad Inaugurated the function. Dr. Rajendra Hittanagi, Programme Co-ordinator, KSLU, was the Chief Guest and PDO, Secretary & all members of Bhandiwad village panchayat were the Guests. |
2018-19 | ||
21-06-2019 | International Yoga Day Celebration at College campus. | |
14th to 20th May 2019 | NSS Camp was Organised at Halyal Village. | |
02-04-2019 | “Voters Awareness Programme” was conducted in association with Election Commission of India, District Administration, Zilla Panchayat, SVEEP Samiti, Dharwad at KLES’s College of Education, Hubballi. Dr. B.C. Satish Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayat & Chiarman of SVEEP Samithi, Dharwad inaugurated the campaign. Shri. K.M. Sheikh, Shri J.M. Nandan, Shri. Mahadev Sattiger, and Shri. Prakash Kambali were the resource persons. Dr. M.G. Sajjanar, Principal, KLES’s College of Education, Hubballi presided over the function. | |
08-03-2019 | International Women’s Day was celebrated in college. Dr. (Smt.) Vijayashree Hiremath, Associate Professor, KLES’s S.K. Arts College, Hubballi was Chief Guest. | |
31-10-2018 | on the eve of Birth Day celebration of Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel our college along with all KLE institution organized “Run for Unity” from BVB gate to Kittur Rani Channama Circle. | |
10-10-2018 | On account of “World Mental Health Day” the Guest Lecture on “Young People & Mental Health in the changing World”. Dr. Vinod Kulkarni, Psychiatrist, Hubballi was resource person. | |
14-09-2018 | Sadbhavan Divas was celebrated Shri. Rajesh Hongal Lecture, Govt. Polytechnic, Hubballi was Chief Guest. | |
31-08-2018 | Special Lecture on “Importance of Eye Donation”. Dr. Sunil Gokhale, Tutor Department of P&SM, KIMS, Hubballi was resource person. | |
2017-18 | ||
16th to 22nd May 2018 | NSS Camp was organized at Kadanakoppa Village. | |
20-03-2018 | Guest Lecture and Blood Donation Camp was organized in association with Padmshree Dr. R. B. Patil Cancer Hospital, Navanagar, Hubballi. Dr. V. D. Karpurmath, Rtd. District Surgeon & President, Red Cross Association, Dharwad and Dr. Umesh Hallikeri, Doctor, Padmshree Dr. R. B. Patil Cancer Hospital, Navanagar, Hubballi were resource persons. | |
26-01-2018 | Republic Day was celebrated by NSS Unit of the college. | |
01-11-2017 | Karnataka Rajyotsav was celebrated on this occasion our students raised funds from the society & donated to Sushanti Home Care, Unkal, Hubballi . | |
04-10-2017 | Free eye checkup camp was organized in association with Dr. Agarwal Eye Care Centre , Hubballi. | |
03-10-2017 | NSS Day Celebration & Inauguration of NSS activities was held on 03rd October 2017. Shri. Sunil Bagade, NSS Co-ordinator, KSLU, Hubballi was the Chief Guest. | |
23-08-2017 | Workshop on “Stress Free Learning” was organized. Shri. Raghavendra Vishvakarma, AEE, HESCOM, and Happiness Programme Teacher of Art of Living Hubballi was the resource person. | |
10-08-2017 | One Day Orientation Programme was organised by “Art of Living Members” on “Healthy Life” through Yoga & Pranayam. | |
2016-17 | ||
10th to 17th April 2017 | NSS Special Camp at Nanda Gokul Village. | |
08-03-2017 | International Women’s Day was celebrated. | |
17-02-2017 | Guest Lecture on “Nutrition & Wellness” was organized. International renowned nutrition expert Dr. S H. Kulkarni, Chairman and Managing Director, Indosys Lifescience Private Limited and Recipient of Knighthood & Rashtriya Udyog Ratan was the resource person. | |
26-01-2017 | Republic Day was celebrated. | |
09-12-2016 | One day awareness programme on “Cashless Society”was conducted Shri. C.R. Seetharaghav, Chief Manager, State Bank of India, Learning Centre, Hubballi was the Chief Guest. | |
08-11-2016 | Swachhata Abhiyan was organized at ward No.28. under the guidance of Shri M. S. Patil, Corporater HDMC. was the Chief Guest. More than 100 students were participated in the Abhiyan. | |
20-09-2016 | Inauguration of College Union & NSS activities was held Hon’ble Shri. V. Shrishanand, District & Sessions Judge, Dharwad was the Chief Guest. | |
16-09-2016 | Digvijay Divas was celebrated Shri. Kiran Patil, Division Head, Yuva Brigade, Dharwad was the Chief Guest. | |
22-08-2016 | Free eye checkup camp was organized with the help of Dr. Agarwal Eye Care Centre, Hubballi. | |
22-08-2016 | Guest lecture on “Eye Care” was conducted by Dr. Rushikesh A. Naigaonkar, Agarwal Eye Care Centre Hubballi. | |
5th to 11th Aug 2016 | Shri. Bahubali B. Kurkuri, Physical Education Director attended KSLU NSS Training camp at Mysore conducted by Mysore University, Mysore. | |
2015-16 | ||
12th to 18th April 2016 | NSS Special Camp was held at APMC Yard, Hubballi | |
05-04-2016 | Legal Awareness Programme was organized in association with Taluka Legal Service and Bar Association Hubballi. Hon’ble Shri. G.A.Mulimani, 1st Addl.Senior Civil Judge was the Chief Guest. | |
26-11-2016 | Constitution Day and Dr.B.R. Ambedkar 126th Birth Anniversary was celebrated. | |
02-10-2016 | Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahaddur Shashtri Jayanti were celebrated. | |
07-04-2016 | World Health Day was celebrated. | |
26-01-2016 | Republic Day was celebrated. | |
05-09-2015 | Teachers Day was celebrated. | |
15-08-2015 | Independence Day was celebrated. | |
2014-15 | ||
14-04-2015 | Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti was celebrated. | |
08-03-2015 to 01-04-2015 | NSS Special Camp Inauguration was held at Gangiwal Village. Dr. B. S. Reddy, Registrar (Ev), Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi inaugurated the function. | |
08-03-2015 | International Women’s Day was celebrated. | |
26-01-2015 | Republic Day was celebrated. | |
26-11-2014 | Law Day was celebrated. | |
02-10-2014 | Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti has been celebrated by NSS unit of our college. On this occasion “Swachcha Bharata Abhiyan” was initiated by Mr. Davalagi, Chartered Accountant, Hubli. | |
25-09-2014 | NSS Day celebration & NSS activities of our college has been inaugurated. | |
05-09-2014 | Teachers Day was celebrated. | |
15-08-2014 | Independence Day was celebrated. |