Workshop/ Seminar/ Symposium:
“Success is the journey rather than destination”

K.L.E. Society’s Gurusiddappa Kotambri Law College, Hubballi
Workshop/ Seminar/ Symposium:
Workshop/ Seminar/ Symposium:
2014-15 to 2022-24
2023-24 | ||
07 December 2023 | IQAC initiative Workshop on Communication Skills was organized on 7th December 2023. Mr. Suniel, Corporate Trainer from Mumbai trained our students to enhance the language skills and briefed students on 7 C’s of effective communication skills and entrepreneurial abilities to law students in the programme. 80 students participated. | |
11 December 2023 | Moot Court Workshop for fresher’s ‘Potens Initium – A Powerful Beginning’ was held. 85 I Year LL.B. students attended the workshop. | |
02 March 2024 | One Day National Seminar on Consumer Justice in India Contemporary Issues and Challenges was organised under the banner of KLE Law Academy, Belagavi on account of Golden Jubilee Celebrations Honourable Mr. Justice Shivashankar Amarannavar, Judge, High Court of Karnataka, Dharwad inaugurated the seminar. Prof. Dr. Ashok R. Patil, Vice Chancellor, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, and Jharkhand was the chief guest and key note speaker. Mr. M. I. Shigli, President, District Consumer Commission, Davanagere was the chief guest of valedictory programme. 337 delegates registered. 17 persons presented papers (10 offline and 7 online). 168 Students and faculty members of various law colleges from Hubballi, Dharwad, Gadag, Belagavi, Chikodi, Bailhongal and Koppal participated. |
2022-23 | ||
27th July 2023 | An IQAC initiative International Symposium on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence: Ethico Legal Perspective | |
24th February to 26 February 2023 | International Conference on Transformational Technologies-Their Applications and Regulations (with special reference to Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Metaverse) was organised from 24th February to 26 February 2023 jointly with KLE Law Academy, Belagavi and GALTER (Global Academy of Law Tech Education and Research), Hyderabad in Hybrid mode at KLES`s B V Bellad Law College, Belagavi. |
1. An IQAC initiative International Symposium on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence: Ethico Legal Perspective was organized on 27th July 2023. Prof. (Dr.) C. Basavaraju, Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi inaugurated the programme. Prof. (Dr.) B. S. Anami, Registrar, KLE Technological University, Hubballi was the chief guest. Shri. Shankaranna I. Munavalli, Director, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi presided. Prof. Dr. M. K. Bhandari, Founder Director, GALTER, Hyderabad; Dr. Chandrika Subramaniyan, Solicitor and Barrister practicing at Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court of Australia; Mr. Amana Alkali, Tech Writer and Advocate, Nigeria were the resource persons.
Vice Chancellor of Karnataka State Law University (KSLU) Prof. C. Basavaraju while inaugurating the symposium has emphasized the need for the legal fraternity to ponder over how best Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be adapted in the country’s legal system to ensure speedy delivery of justice.. Elaborating on the usage and benefits of AI in various fields, Prof. Basavaraju, however felt that along with the benefits, AI had several negative aspects as well, which required to be taken into consideration. “While we have already seen AI tools being adapted in the existing judicial system by young advocates, what is required is a strong regulatory mechanism to prevent misuse of the technology. And for the purpose we need a strong IT law”, he said.
The Vice Chancellor said that with the advent of technology human beings had reached a stage wherein it had become difficult to survive without technology. “We live in an era of technological revolution. However the moot question is whether human beings control technology or technology is controlling human beings. While technology can’t be allowed to enslave human beings, it also raises the pertinent question of how to regulate technologies like AI. This apart, the advent of technology has also made us to think over whether it can be used to find solutions to grave issues like poverty, terrorism, unemployment and to bring improvement in healthcare”, he said. Referring to the issues of huge backlog of pending cases, he called on the law students to contemplate over how AI could be utilised or adapted to resolve the issues of infrastructure, manpower and related matters that prevent speedy delivery of justice.
Presiding over the inaugural session Registrar of KLE Technological University Prof. Basavaraj Anami spoke on how computers and now AI had permeated the human society and he also raised issue of how privacy was being invaded by the technology and the need for regulating the technology.
Founder Director of GALTER Prof. M.K. Bhandari made introductory remarks and the brochures of GALTER were released by the guest. Convenor of the symposium Prof. Sharada G. Patil, Coordinator Prof. S.M. Hullur and Principal Prof. Dnyaneshwar P. Chouri were present.
Technical Sessions:
Subsequently delivering talk on “Blockchain- Ethico Legal Aspects” Solicitor and Barrister practising at Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court of Australia Chandrika Subramaniyan threw light on the contentious issues of regulation, fixing accountability, smart contracts and other practical legal issues.
Speaking on “AI and Ethico Legal Concerns”, Prof. M.K. Bhandari referred to the issues of unemployment, inequality caused by AI, its behavioural impact on human society, protection against mistakes committed by machines and other issues.
Delivering a talk on “Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Exchanges” through the virtual mode, Tech writer and Advocate from Nigerial Amana Alkali, updated the students on latest and upcoming regulations across the globe. The resource persons answered queries from the students of various law colleges. Director of IMSR Rajendraprasad H. And Prof. Yerriswamy T. From KLE Institute of Technology chaired the technical sessions.
2. International Conference on Transformational Technologies-Their Applications and Regulations (with special reference to Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Metaverse) was organised from 24th February to 26 February 2023 jointly with KLE Law Academy, Belagavi and GALTER (Global Academy of Law Tech Education and Research), Hyderabad in Hybrid mode at KLES`s B V Bellad Law College, Belagavi
Conference was inaugurated by Hon`ble Mr. Justice C. M. Joshi, Judge High Court of Karnataka, Dharwad Bench. Dr. Ingrid Vasilu Feltes, Deep Tech Executive of USA delivered key note address online on Deploying Emerging Tech for Cyber Resilience-Blockchain, AI and Edge Computing-Trifecta. Shri. S. C. Metgud, Director, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi presided over the function. Shri. B. S. Tatawati, Vice President of KLE Society and Shri. R. B. Bellad, Chiarman of Local Governing Body of B.V. Bellad Law College were present.
The inaugural function was followed by technical sessions in which 6 foreign experts and 4 Indian experts shared their valuable expert knowledge which benefitted 330 participants. 20 delegates presented their papers and Mr. Akshay Yadav and Mr. Noor Ul Shabaz were adjudged best paper presenters and were awarded cash prizes by GALTER.
Honourable Mr. Justice Mohan Pieris, Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Shrilanka joined from USA as chief guest and delivered a wonderful humane speech during Valedictory programme. Honourable Mr. Justice Dr. Vineet Kothari joined online from Jodhpur and Prof. Dr. S. Shantha Kumar, Vice Chancellor of Gujarat National Law University, Gandhi Nagar joined from Gandhinagar online as guests of honour. It was presided over by Mr. R. B. Bellad, Chairman, L.G.B. of B. V. Bellad Law College, Belagavi. Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Bhandari, Director of GALTER, Hyderabad was Chief Academic Advisor of the Programme. Prof. (Dr.) J. M. Mallikarjunaiah, Principal of KLE Law College, Bengaluru and Director of KLE Law Academy was the event chairman. Dr. B. Jayasimha, principal of B. V. Bellad Law College was the Convenor of the conference. Dr. Sharada G. Patil, principal of G. K. Law College was co-convenor of the conference.
2021-22 | ||
6thAugust 2022 | IQAC initiative Career Guidance Programme on “Judicial Services-Opportunities and Challenges” in association with Samutkarsh Trust(R) was organized on 6thAugust 2022. Hon’ble Mr. Justice R. Devdas, Judge, High Court of Karnataka, Dharwad was the Chief Guest. Dr. J. M. Mallikarjuniah, Principal, K.L.E. Society`s Law College, Bengaluru was resource person, Shri. C. R. Patil, President, Bar Association, Hubballi was Guest of Honour and Shri. B. R. Daragad was Guest. Final year law students from various law colleges participated in the programme. | |
17th and 18th of September 2022 | National Seminar on Women Empowerment was organized on 17th and 18th of September 2022 in association with Bharat Vikas Sangam. | |
2020-21 | ||
2nd – 7th Aug. 2021 | An IQAC initiative webinar on “Evidence Law & Practice” (Lecture Series) was organised. Dr. B. Jayasimha, Principal, K.L.E. Society`s B.V. Bellad Law College, Belagavi was the resource person. | |
16th Jan. 2021 | National Webinar on “Impact of Cyber Technology and Legal Issues” was organised. Mr. Ranganath A. Mysore, Founder, Roots Cyber Law Firm, Bengaluru was the resource person. | |
21st Oct. 2020 | National webinar on “Legal Dialectics of Digital Forensics and Admissibility of Electronic Evidence” was organised. Dr. M. K. Matolli, Faculty Government Law College, Hassan was the resource person. | |
13th & 14th Oct. 2020 | Two Days National webinar on “Consumer Protection Law” was organised in association with GKLC Alumni and Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU, Bengaluru. | |
6th – 10th Oct. 2020 |
An IQAC initiative Webinar series on Corporate Laws organised on the following topics
16 Jan 2021 | National Webinar on “Impact of Cyber Technology and Legal Issues” was conducted 16th January 2021 at 11 am. Mr. Ranganath A. Mysore, Founder, Roots Cyber Law Firm, Bengaluru was the resource person. | |
21st Oct 2020 | Conducted National webinar on “Legal Dialectics of Digital Forensics and Admissibility of Electronic Evidence”. Dr. M. K. Matolli, Faculty Government Law College, Hassan was the resource person. | |
13th & 14th Oct 2020 | Two Days National webinar on “Consumer Protection Law” was conducted in association with GKLC Alumni and Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU, Bengaluru on 13th and 14th of October 2020. Prof.(Dr.) Ashok R. Patil, Chair Professor, Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU, Bemgaluru, Hon`ble Dr. S. M. Kantikar, Member, National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, New Delhi, Shri. Raju N., Registrar cum Administrative Officer, Karnataka State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Bengaluru and Shri. Basavaprabhu Hosakeri, Advocate, High Court of Karnataka Circuit Bench, Dharwad were resource persons. | |
25th Sep 2020 | Webinar on “Professional Skills and Career Prospects in Law” was conducted on 25th September 2020 . Adv. Shraddha Momaya, Associate Partner, Trans India Law Associates, Hubballi Branch was the resource person. | |
06 to 10th Oct 2020 | Webinar series on Corporate Laws was organized from 6th October 2020 to 10th October 2020. The series began with a talk on the topic ‘Crimes in Banking Sector’ by Dr. M. P. Chandrika, Principal of S.C. Nandimath Law College, Bagalkot. The session on the second day was by Prof. (Dr.) J.M. Mallikarjunaiah, Principal, KLEs Law College, Bangalore who spoke on ‘The Law of Contract. Its Role in Business Transactions’. For a session on 3rd day guest speaker was Prof. (Dr.) B.S. Patil from V.M. Salgaoncar College of Law, Panjim – Goa who briefed about ‘Role and importance of ADR’ in corporate sector. The fourth session was on ‘An Overview of IPR’ was by Shri Vinod Kotabagi, IP Counsel from Bengaluru. The resource speaker for the fifth session CS Rajiv Varma IBC practitioner from Hubballi spoke on the topic of ‘Due Diligence- A Key Challenge when buying assets under IBC.’ On the last day of the series Smt. Madhuri Kulkarni, practising CS from Hubballi resource speaker briefed on ‘Voluntary Liquidation Process – A Comparison between Companies Act 2013 and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016’. The webinar was attended by more than 100 members in a day consisting of academicians, students and various professionals. | |
2019-20 | ||
13 & 14th 08 2020 |
K.L.E. Society`s G. K. Law College, Hubballi and KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi jointly organized Two Days Virtual National Workshop on “Cyber Security and Emerging Data Protection Regulations in India” on 13th & 14th August 2020 in technological partnership with Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India, Bengaluru on Zoom platform. Shri. R. Dileep, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Hubballi-Dharwad, inaugurated the workshop. Sri. Na. Vijayashankar, Chairman, Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India, Bengaluru rendered keynote address. . Dr. Pavan kumar C, Shri. Nagendra Javagal, IT GRC Manager at Indidge Systems, USA, Bengaluru, And Shri.V. Rajesh Kumar, Group Manager, Privacy and Data Protection Office, Infosys, Bengaluru, Karnataka were the resource persons. In the valedictory programme the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. C Rajashekhar, Former Dean Faculty of Law, Karnataka University Dharwad, expressed his views on various issues relating to Cyber Space, Dr.J.M. Mallikarjunaiah, Principal KLE Society’s Law College, Bangaluru and Shri.Na.Vijayashankar were the Guests of Honour of the valedictory programme. |
2018-19 | ||
11.05 2019 | College organized a Workshop on “Citizens Role in City Governance through Ward Committees” in association with Rashtrotthan Institute of Societal Excellence, Hubballi on 11th May 2019. Shri. Prashant Kumar Mishra, Commissioner, Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation inaugurated the workshop. Smt. Kathyayini Chamaraj, Executive Trustee, CIVIC, Bengaluru and Shri Narendra Kumar, Social Activist, Bengaluru were the resource persons in the workshop and addressed on “Role of Citizens in Development of City/Ward” and “Road Map for Ward Committees in Hubli Dharwad respectively. Dr. Veena Tonapi, Rtd. Principal, JSS Sakri Law College, Hubballi delivered keynote address. Shri. Shankaranna I. Munavalli, Director, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi presided over the function. Citizens and Members of various organizations from various wards participated in the workshop. | |
09.02.2019 | G. K. Law College, Hubballi in association with K.L.E. Law Academy, Belagavi and Alumni Association organized National Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Issues in Intellectual Property Rights”. Hon`ble Mr.Justice A. V. Chandrashekar, Former Judge, High Court of Karnataka, Bengaluru, Judicial Member, Karnataka State Administrative Tribunal, Bengaluru inaugurated the seminar. Prof.(Dr.). T. Ramakrishna, Professor of Law, MHRD Chair on IPR, Head, Centre for IP Research and Advocacy (CIPRA), NLSIU, Bengaluru delivered the keynote address. Prof. R. Muralidharan, Advocate and Registered Patent Agent, Bengaluru, Shri. Harikrishna Holla, Advocate and IPR Consultant, Bengaluru, Dr. Gopal Dabade, ENT Surgeon and Convenor, All India Drug Action Forum, Karnataka, Dharwad and Dr. Rupal Rautdesai, Associate Professor and Faculty Incharge of SYmbosis Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research, Symbosis Law School, Pune were resource persons. Shri. Shankaranna I. Munavalli, Director, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi presided over the function. On this occasion our alumni Shri. Chandrashekhar Banakar, II Addl. Civil Judge & JMFC, Kundapur, Shri. Harish Jadhav, Trainee Judicial Officer, Tumkur, Shri Siddalingesh Gangadharmath, Trainee Judicial Officer, Bellary, Smt. Jyoti Patil, Trainee Judicial Officer, Gulbarga who have been appointed as District Judges and Civil Judges by the High Court of Karnataka, Bengaluru were also felicitated. | |
28.09.2018 | One Day Personality Development Programme was organized by “Disha Charitable Trust for Value Initiatives.” Smt. Rekha Ramachandran, Shri. Pramod Nataraj, Organizing Secretary, Smt. Sneha Dhamale, Shri. Pradeep Nataraj, Chief Co-ordinator, Shri. Madhusudan, Full-Time Co-ordinator and four other volunteers were the resource persons. | |
2017-18 | ||
21.04.2018 | Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” was organized Shri. Manjunath Meti, Indian Registered Patent Agent, Dharwad was the resource person. | |
08.09.2017 | One Day Personality Development Programme was conducted by “Disha Charitable Trust for Value Initiatives” Bengaluru for the students. Smt. Rekha Ramachandran, Founder & Secretary, Shri. Pramod Nataraj, Organising Scretary, Shri. Pradeep Nataraj, Chief Co-ordinator, Shri. Madhusudan, Full-Time Co-ordinator and four other volunteers were the resource persons. | |
2016-17 | ||
25.10.2016 | One Day Legal Awareness Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights for Micro Small and Medium Entrepreneurs and Academicians” was organised in association with National Law School of India University, Bengaluru and MSME Development Institute Hubballi, Ministry of MSME Govt. of India. Shri. S. N. Rangaprasad, Director, MSME Development Institute, Govt. of India, Ministry of MSME, Hubballi inaugurated the programme. Prof (Dr.). T. Ramakrishna, Professor of Law, MHRD Chair on IPR, Head, Centre for Intellectual Property Research and Advocacy(CIPRA), NLSIU, Bengaluru was the Chief Guest. Shri. Ramesh Patil, Shri. Nagaraj Divati were the resource persons and Shri. S. I. Munavalli, Director, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi was the Chief Guest of valedictory function. | |
2015-16 | ||
10.05.2016 | Workshop on “Career Guidance” was organized in association with Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi. Dr. G. B. Patil, Registrar (Ev), KSLU, Hubballi was the Chief Guest and Shri.Vijayakumar Patil, Govt. Advocate, Banglore, Shri. Praveen Gudi, CEO, My Life, Hubballi, were the resource persons. | |
09.10.2015 | Personality Development Workshop was organized. Prof. B. Jayasimha, Principal, B.V. Bellad Law College, Belagavi was the Chief Guest and Shri. K. Gururaj Rao, Rtd. Manager, LIC, Hubballi were resource persons. | |
2014-15 | ||
11th November 2014 | Our college in association with Bharat Vikas Sangam, IMSR and CBA Polytechnic College has organized One Day Seminar on “SANSKRITI BADALAV: CHANGES THROUGH CULTURE”. Shri. K. N. Govindacharya, Former Secretary of BJP and Social Activist was chief guest. | |
11th October 2014 | One Day Workshop on “Domestic Violence” was organised in association with Dharwad District Kannada Sahitya Parishat. Dr. G. B. Patil, Associate Professor, KSLU, Hubli inaugurated the workshop. Shri. C. R. Patil, President, Bar Association Hubli and Dr. Lingaraj Angadi, President, Dharwad District Kannada Sahitya Parishat were the Chief Guests. Shri. Shripati Kashikar, Advocate, Smt. Meera, Advocate & Shri. Mohanlal Habib were the resource persons. | |
11.03.2014 | One Day Workshop on “Human Rights of Women” was organised in association with National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. Dr. T. R. Subramanya, Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University inaugurated the workshop, Shri. C. G. Hunagund, Member, Karnataka State Human Rights Commission, Bangalore was the Chief Guest, Shri. S. I. Munavalli presided over the function. Dr.Veena M. Tonapi, Rtd. Principal JSS Sakri Law College, Hubli, Dr.Ratna Bharamagoudar, Associate Professor, KSLU Law School, Hubli, Dr. Nagarathna A., Asst. Prof. National Law School of India University & Dr. V. D. Karpurmath, Rtd. District Surgeon, Hubli were the resource persons. |